Real GDP at basic prices (2017 $M) |
442 568 |
445 068 |
446 367 |
444 263 |
Real international merchandise exports (2017 $M) |
93 034 |
94 250 |
91 295 |
96 477 |
93 896 |
Real international merchandise imports (2017 $M) |
99 154 |
100 558 |
96 374 |
96 019 |
91 871 |
Housing starts (n) |
48 713 |
67 949 |
40 654 |
53 009 |
63 645 |
51 034 |
67 949 |
Residential building permits (current $M) |
17 517 |
20 258 |
19 747 |
19 207 |
18 164 |
Non-residential building permits (current $M) |
9 985 |
10 925 |
10 521 |
11 665 |
8 436 |
Sales of manufactured goods (current $M) |
217 932 |
215 345 |
217 992 |
220 859 |
225 772 |
Wholesale sales (current $M) |
207 078 |
205 576 |
206 599 |
206 305 |
210 781 |
Retail sales (current $M) |
180 288 |
182 225 |
183 158 |
183 010 |
189 622 |
Average weekly earnings, including overtime (current $) |
1 207.87 |
1 228.46 |
1 235.43 |
1 234.47 |
1 241.50 |
Labour force (K) |
4 822.6 |
4 901.7 |
4 845.8 |
4 865.3 |
4 897.2 |
4 893.9 |
4 901.7 |
Employment (K) |
4 566.0 |
4 635.6 |
4 580.0 |
4 586.1 |
4 607.6 |
4 619.9 |
4 635.6 |
Full-time (K) |
3 726.7 |
3 782.2 |
3 752.8 |
3 778.3 |
3 793.2 |
3 801.5 |
3 782.2 |
Part-time (K) |
839.3 |
853.4 |
827.2 |
807.8 |
814.4 |
818.4 |
853.4 |
Unemployment rate (%) |
5.3 |
5.4 |
5.5 |
5.7 |
5.9 |
5.6 |
5.4 |
Participation rate (%) |
64.9 |
65.1 |
64.8 |
64.9 |
65.2 |
65.1 |
65.1 |
Employment rate (%) |
61.4 |
61.5 |
61.2 |
61.2 |
61.4 |
61.4 |
61.5 |
Consumer price index, non-seasonally adjusted (2002=100) |
157.2 |
157.6 |
157.4 |
157.9 |
157.8 |
157.5 |
157.6 |
U.S. exchange rate in cents, non-seasonally adjusted |
73.00 |
69.49 |
73.82 |
72.70 |
71.56 |
70.22 |
69.49 |
Canada |
Monthly indicators |
2024 |
2025 |
2024 |
2025 |
Year to date |
Sept. |
Oct. |
Nov. |
Dec. |
Jan. |
Real GDP at basic prices (2017 $M) |
2 266 023 |
2 276 020 |
2 283 430 |
2 277 856 |
2 283 094 |
Real international merchandise exports (2017 $M) |
577 456 |
579 865 |
582 007 |
581 913 |
604 007 |
Real international merchandise imports (2017 $M) |
603 582 |
607 542 |
598 937 |
593 792 |
585 182 |
Housing starts (n) |
245 367 |
239 739 |
224 089 |
245 151 |
266 955 |
232 492 |
239 739 |
Residential building permits (current $M) |
89 859 |
92 936 |
94 823 |
88 792 |
107 601 |
Non-residential building permits (current $M) |
53 778 |
63 347 |
55 767 |
53 299 |
50 153 |
Sales of manufactured goods (current $M) |
847 234 |
832 759 |
848 137 |
854 310 |
857 264 |
Wholesale sales (current $M) |
1 427 844 |
1 391 209 |
1 436 716 |
1 407 399 |
1 395 669 |
Retail sales (current $M) |
803 061 |
807 261 |
813 341 |
814 665 |
835 057 |
Average weekly earnings, including overtime (current $) |
1 260.50 |
1 277.70 |
1 284.24 |
1 285.61 |
1 290.82 |
Labour force (K) |
22 134.8 |
22 484.0 |
22 237.6 |
22 259.0 |
22 367.0 |
22 422.8 |
22 484.0 |
Employment (K) |
20 730.5 |
20 993.4 |
20 779.3 |
20 782.6 |
20 826.4 |
20 917.4 |
20 993.4 |
Full-time (K) |
16 977.6 |
17 185.9 |
17 032.1 |
17 038.7 |
17 091.6 |
17 150.7 |
17 185.9 |
Part-time (K) |
3 753.0 |
3 807.5 |
3 747.2 |
3 743.9 |
3 734.8 |
3 766.6 |
3 807.5 |
Unemployment rate (%) |
6.3 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
6.9 |
6.7 |
6.6 |
Participation rate (%) |
65.5 |
65.5 |
65.2 |
65.2 |
65.4 |
65.4 |
65.5 |
Employment rate (%) |
61.3 |
61.1 |
61.0 |
60.8 |
60.9 |
61.0 |
61.1 |
Consumer price index, non-seasonally adjusted (2002=100) |
160.9 |
161.3 |
161.1 |
161.8 |
161.8 |
161.2 |
161.3 |
U.S. exchange rate in cents, non-seasonally adjusted |
73.00 |
69.49 |
73.82 |
72.70 |
71.56 |
70.22 |
69.49 |
– The year-to-date levels represent the average of all observable annualized periods. When annual gross value and changes are available, they are presented. |
– Monthly and quarterly data on housing starts are seasonally adjusted independently; quarterly data do not correspond to the average of monthly data. |
– In April 2020, the CMHC's monthly survey was carried out in all Canadian provinces except Québec. As a result, the April 2020 data for Québec is not available and the April 2020 data for Canada excludes Québec. |
– Annual sales of manufactured goods are calculated from the monthly survey. |
– Numbers in bold have been revised since last Friday. |
Sources : Institut de la statistique du Québec, |
Statistics Canada, |
Mortgage and Housing Corporation (housing starts), |
Bank of Canada (exchange rates). |