Type of survey
Cross-sectional survey, provincial representativeness
Target population
Children under the age of five on September 30, 2020 living in Québec.
Sampling and data collection
20,302 children under the age of five on September 30, 2020
Data collection period
February 16 to June 20, 2021
Data collection method
Via Internet or telephone
Response rate
65.3% (13,138 questionnaires completed)
Themes or topics
Search for a first childcare setting; childcare attendance patterns; characteristics of main childcare setting attended; parent and family characteristics; child’s health and special needs.
Technical and methodological documentation
Enquête québécoise sur l’accessibilité et l’utilisation des services de garde (EQAUSG) - Questionnaire (PDF, 496,37 Ko) (in French only)
Enquête québécoise sur l’accessibilité et l’utilisation des services de garde (EQAUSG) - Rapport méthodologique (PDF, 698,24 Ko) (in French only)
See also
Microdata files available at the Centre d’accès aux données de recherche de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec (CADRISQ).