Monthly Survey on Sales of New Books in Québec

    The data produced by this survey helps to measure the importance of this economic activity. In addition to the statistical data produced every month, the ongoing collection of data serves to observe the evolution in the sales of new books in Québec and generate comparative data that are used to understand the market.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is the Institut de la statistique du Québec?

    The Institut de la Statistique du Québec, also known as Statistique Québec, is a government organization whose mission is to produce, analyze and disseminate official, objective and accurate statistics on all aspects of Québec society.

    What is the Observatoire de la culture et des communications?

    The Observatoire de la culture et des communications is a division of Statistique Québec that is responsible for everything that specifically concerns the fields of culture and communications.

    The Observatoire began its activities in September 2000.

    Its mission is to meet the needs of stakeholders in the culture and communications sectors. It is responsible for producing and disseminating statistical profiles related to the various cultural fields, and provides support for research. It is also the mission of the Observatoire to monitor all fields related to culture and communications.

    How did you get my name?

    The survey industry uses many sources of information, including Statistic Canada’s Business Register Database, the list of members belonging to professional associations involved in book publishing, the list of establishments certified by the ministère de la Culture et des Communications, as well as trade magazines.

    Am I required to participate in this survey?

    This is a mandatory survey. Your participation is important in order to draw the most accurate picture of the sales of new books in Québec and ensure that establishments of all sizes and from every Québec region are represented.

    How can I be sure that no one will see the answers that I have provided?

    The Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec guarantees the confidentiality of all the information collected. All interviewers take an oath before a commissioner and are bound to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the data they gather.

    Who receives the data?

    The data provided by the respondents are known and used only by the authorized staff members of Statistique Québec. Only aggregate results of the survey will be published in order to protect the confidentiality of participants.

    How can I have access to the survey results?

    The results of the survey will be released on the Web site section of the Observatoire. You can also receive e-mail updates from the Observatoire. It is a free service that notifies you of the Observatoire’s latest publications.

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