This report gives an overview of the main findings of Statistics Canada’s 2014 Survey of Advanced Technology. Chapter 1 is on the goals and challenges of adopting advanced technology, as well as the associated capital expenditures of doing so. The following types of advanced technology were covered: material handling, supply chains and logistics, BI, information design and control, processing and manufacturing. Green advanced technology was also addressed.
Chapter 2 is on the use of emerging advanced technology not in widespread use in businesses and society in general. This includes geomatic and geospatial technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology and bioproducts.
Chapter 3 is on other economic development engines: innovation and advanced business practices used by enterprises. Appendix 1 contains the detailed tables on each subject addressed in the report. The findings are mainly broken down according to the size of the enterprise according to the number of its employees and the industrial sector. Appendix 2 gives an outline of the survey.