Recueil statistique sur la pauvreté et les inégalités socioéconomiques au Québec

    Published jointly by the Institut de la statistique du Québec and the ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale, the Recueil statistique sur la pauvreté et les inégalités socioéconomiques au Québec groups the main indicators in this field of study. A new research tool, it is a reliable empirical point of reference with regard to tracking over time the improvement or deterioration in the situation of persons and families living in poverty, as well as their relative position compared with other groups of individuals in society. Comprising over 20 indicators calculated using various conceptual and methodological approaches, this publication is an invaluable tool for evaluating various statistical instruments and discovering those that appear to be the most fruitful. It starts off with figures on the effects of poverty, its gravity, and any associated government transfers. Then it deals with socioeconomic inequalities using income distribution indicators. Lastly, composite indicators take on the issue of the poor with a combination of economic and social statistics. Consulted at the same time as its complement, the Inventaire des indicateurs de pauvreté et d’exclusion sociale, this statistical compendium seems to be an indispensable tool when it comes to making an overall and in-depth analysis of these societal issues.

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