This publication presents the results of a province-wide survey conducted in 2012 on parental attitudes and family practices in terms of child discipline. This is the third edition of the survey. The report describes the current situation and the changes that took place between the three editions of the survey (1999, 2004 and 2012).
Since 1999, this study has measured the annual prevalence and frequency of violent parenting behaviours towards children (psychological abuse, minor or severe physical abuse). Two new variables were added in 2012, namely the exposure of children to violent behaviours between parental figures and negligent parental behaviours towards children. The results also reflect the opinions and attitudes of parents towards physical punishment as discipline.
Several factors associated with practices towards children are documented, including parental, family and socioeconomic characteristics. The fathers and mothers are compared with regard to their attitudes and the factors associated with the behaviours reported.
The information was collected through telephone interviews of 4,029 mothers and 1,342 fathers living in private households with at least one child between the ages of 6 months and 17 years.