Exports to and imports from main countries; top exported and imported products according to NAPCS 2022, 2023–2024.
To meet growing demand for data on Québec’s merchandise trade with the United States, the ISQ is providing its clients with tables on merchandise exports and imports between Québec and the United States. These tables can be found in the Detailed tables section.
Important notice about the February 20, 2025 release
In its February 5, 2025 release of international merchandise trade statistics for the reference month of December 2024, Statistics Canada stated that there are still delays in the receipt of import data due to the implementation of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) system. These delays are impacting the completeness of import statistics for the reference months of October to December 2024. Given these issues, users should exercise caution and expect revisions to import data in the coming months, even if they are published. For more information, see the Note to readers: www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/241205/dq241205a-eng.htm.