NewsroomPress release

    Violence experienced by teenagers in sports in Québec

    Québec, May 9, 2024. – The Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) released today the results of the Study on the Experiences of Youth in Sports in Québec (EVAQ), which was conducted among 19,642 high school students between November 7, 2022 and June 16, 2023 in Québec public and private schools. Of these respondents, 9,221 young people aged 14 and over played an organized sport.

    The following results only cover the young respondents involved in organized sports and cannot be inferred to all high school students.

    Violence from persons in positions of authority in sport

    Approximately 40% of young respondents experienced at least one form of violence from someone in a position of authority. More specifically:

    • 11% experienced at least one act of physical violence (13% of boys and 9% of girls).
    • 8% experienced at least one act of sexual violence (9% of girls and 6% of boys).
    • 26% experienced at least one act of psychological violence or negligence (30% of girls and 23% of boys).

    Among boys who experienced at least one act of physical violence from someone in a position of authority, the majority (85%) reported that the perpetrator was male.

    Among girls who experienced at least one act of physical violence, 53% reported that it was committed by a female, 36% by a male, and 11% by persons of both genders.

    Among youth who experienced at least one act of sexual violence:

    • 28% were aged 10 or younger the first time it happened.
    • 33% were aged between 11 and 13.
    • 39% were aged 14 or older.

    Violence from peer athletes

    Approximately 45% of young respondents experienced at least one form of violence from a peer. More specifically:

    • 20% experienced at least one act of physical violence (24% of boys and 15% of girls).
    • 14% experienced at least one act of sexual violence (16% of girls and 11% of boys).
    • 36% experienced at least one act of psychological violence (38% of girls and 34% of boys).

    Among youth who experienced at least one act of sexual violence (14 %):

    • 25% were aged 10 or younger the first time it happened.
    • 40% were aged between 11 and 13.
    • 36% were aged 14 or older.

    For examples of acts of violence in sport that were covered by the study, see the examples of acts of violence in sport on the results page (in French only).

    Study limitations

    It is important to note that, contrary to the results of most surveys and studies conducted by the ISQ, EVAQ results cannot be generalized to all high school students involved in sports. The results only provide a portrait of the teenagers who answered the study questionnaire.

    On rare occasions, the ISQ conducts exploratory studies such as this one when information is lacking on an under-researched issue. Moreover, this was the first study on this subject ever conducted in the world with such a large sample size. The results of EVAQ provide information on how and in what context teenagers experience the violence they report. With these new data, the Ministère de l’Éducation and Université Laval’s Research Chair in Safety and Integrity in Sport—the partners of the study—will be able to further examine violence in a sports context, which is a subject of public interest.


    For 25 years, the Institut de la statistique du Québec has been producing, analyzing, and disseminating official, objective and high-quality statistical information on various aspects of Québec society. It is responsible for conducting all statistical surveys of general interest. The relevance of its work makes it a strategic ally for decision makers and an essential source of information for all those wishing to learn more about Québec.

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