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    Economic vitality index of Québec municipalities and RCMs in 2022

    Québec, February 26, 2025. – The Institut de la statistique du Québec published today its findings on the economic vitality index of municipalities and regional county municipalities (RCMs) in Québec for 2022. These data were released along with an analytical bulletin (PDF, 2.23 MB) that reports on key findings related to the economic vitality index at the municipal level for 2022.

    The most economically vitalized municipalities are concentrated in Québec’s main metropolitan areas

    In 2022, the most vitalized Québec municipalities according to the economic vitality index were once again concentrated in the province’s census metropolitan areas (CMAs), and more particularly in the larger CMAs of Montréal, Québec, and Ottawa-Gatineau.

    The municipality of Chelsea, in the Québec portion of the Ottawa-Gatineau metropolitan area, ranked highest on the economic vitality index in 2022.

    Most municipalities on the outskirts of the greater metropolitan areas of Montréal and Québec also fared well thanks to significant growth in their population from 2017 to 2022.

    Characteristics of least vitalized municipalities

    In contrast, municipalities outside CMAs that are located further away from these metropolitan areas continue to lag behind in terms of economic vitality. These less vitalized municipalities are concentrated in regions such as Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine and Côte-Nord, where more than half of municipalities are in the fifth and last quintile of the index.

    Generally speaking, the least economically vitalized municipalities are very small and have relatively old populations. In these municipalities, the lower median total income of individuals aged 18 and over and the rate of workers aged 25 to 64 both tend to be lower than in other Québec localities. Furthermore, in these local areas, the proportion of government transfers (social benefits and refundable tax credits) in the total income of adult individuals is substantially higher than elsewhere.

    Changes in the ranking between 2020 and 2022

    The municipalities whose position in the vitality index ranking improved the most in 2022 compared to 2020 include several municipalities in the regions of Lanaudière, Laurentides and Mauricie. In contrast, a large proportion of municipalities in the Montréal and Nord-du-Québec administrative regions dropped in the ranking between 2020 and 2022.

    What is the economic vitality index of municipalities?

    The economic vitality index ranks municipalities in relation to each other based on their vitality. A negative value generally means that the municipality is behind in terms of economic vitality in relation to the majority of Québec municipalities, and conversely, a positive value means that the municipality is ahead of most municipalities.

    The economic vitality index is the geometric mean of normalized variables for three indicators: the median total income of individuals aged 18 and over, the rate of workers (share of people who are employed) aged 25 to 64, and the average annual population growth rate over five years. Each of these indicators represents an important aspect of vitality, respectively living standards, the labour market, and demographic dynamics.

    This index is a synthetic measure of these three aspects of economic vitality and therefore presents a simplified picture of a more complex reality. To learn more about the methodology used for the economic vitality index, please read the Rapport technique et méthodologique (PDF 977 Ko).

    For more information

    View the detailed dynamic tables:

    View the statistical fact sheets by municipality and RCM

    View the interactive maps by index results:

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