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    Research Data Access Services: New data dictionary and website redesign

    Released: October 19, 2023

    Available data and services offered to Québec research teams

    A new version of the data dictionary is available via the Research Data Access Services of the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ). This comprehensive dictionary is a user-friendly tool for finding the information you need to prepare and carry out a research project.

    It contains:

    • The list of administrative data files from partner ministries and agencies
    • The attributes of the variables contained in these files (description, names, etc.)

    The ISQ’s research services website is also getting a redesign. It provides:

    • All the necessary information for preparing an access request and tracking its progress (included in a downloadable kit)
    • Information on the ISQ’s mandate and expertise in terms of access to administrative data, as well as the rules governing access to personal information

    Governance rules

    The document Règles de gouvernance concernant les renseignements désignés par le gouvernement et communiqués à des fins de recherche aux chercheurs liés à un organisme public (Governance rules for government-designated information communicated for research purposes to researchers attached to a public body) is now available (in French only).  

    This document is the result of work aimed at meeting the requirements arising from amendments made to the Act respecting the Institut de la statistique du Québec in the spring of 2021. It provides a framework for the protection, retention, and destruction of designated research information and defines the roles and responsibilities of Institut staff members throughout the life cycle of this information.

    Règles de gouvernance (PDF, 2,54 Mo).


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