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    The 2021 Census is underway!

    Updated: May 17, 2021

    Recently, every Canadian household received from Statistics Canada a letter with an access code to complete the questionnaire for the Census of Population, conducted every five years. The questionnaire is easy to fill out, and your information will be kept confidential. When you complete the questionnaire, you continue a tradition that goes back 355 years.

    Every person, young and old, must be included in the 2021 Census. Completed questionnaires will provide valuable information that will then be used by governments, businesses, associations and community organizations to make decisions at the local, regional and provincial level.

    Census data is needed to plan not only for services such as child care, schools, family and senior services, housing, and public transit, but also for social, health care and employment assistance programs, police and fire protection services, and natural disaster response plans.

    The Institut de la statistique du Québec recognizes the value of this source of information and supports the promotion of the Census of Population. The data it collects is essential to provide public services that are adapted to the realities of Québec.

    What is the census?

    For more information about the 2021 Census, visit

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